Chase has launched quite a few promotional offers and new programs recently on top of their popular Chase Ultimate Rewards. The notable programs are Chase Pay Offers, Chase Offers, and Promotional Purchases offering additional Ultimate Rewards Points. Have you been missing such offers in the mail? Do you call customer service and the representatives have no idea what you are asking about and are providing you with nonsensical answers? Have you noticed you are not being targeted for any promotional credit card offers?
I have been having some difficulty with special offers on one of my Chase Accounts and always wondered how Chase is not able to fix this. I found something recently and I hope this is the fix for that. There is a marketing and privacy preference update available on Chase online. It’s also important to review your privacy preference updates to see what companies your data is being sold to. This has been a hot topic recently, information is valuable and it’s important to keep it under control.
Chase Preferences
Here is where you can make those changes. After logging in, under Profile & Settings there are two different preferences available for update.
Marketing Preferences
Privacy Preferences
You may wish to update based on your preference. Hopefully, this should resolve and trigger all the offer emails from Chase going forward.
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