If I have Credit Cards like Chase, Citi, Discover or Capital One. Should I use Online Cash back websites? Cash back websites for Online shopping are good to earn additional cashback. But then if you are planning to earn maximum credit card rewards or points, always check if the same store are being offered in your credit card online portal shopping.
Better off using the Credit Card portal rather Cashback Websites
- You earn rewards or points from the same credit card, for example if you have Chase cards like Freedom, Unlimited or Sapphire. You earn more UR points if you continue using shop through Chase.
- The bonus points are credited within 30 days and you are eligible to redeem within 30 days, unlike cashback websites take 60 to 90 days.
- Accumulate rewards or points and maximize for redemption like Award travel, discounted gift card which Discover offers etc.,
If you notice substantial difference in cashback bonus between credit card portal and cashback websites, then its wise to choose the cash back websites. Also, stick to one or two cash back websites for shopping. Having registered in several cash back websites are also not wise as there is a threshold in releasing the cash back to you. For example, if they say you can redeem once you reach $25, then it would take few months to reach that amount if you are not shopping online too much.
I stick to Ebates and Mr Rebates. Ebates offers good cash back during holiday shopping and also good customer service for missing cash back. Mr Rebates has a very good referral like, you continue to earn 20% of your friends cashback, which is excellent.
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